The Best Coco Chanel Quote Really is True
Have you heard of the poem “Andrea del Sarto” by Robert Frost? Or the Geodesic Dome?
Perhaps not, but if you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said “Less is More” as you removed that extra piece of jewelry or scarf, you were channeling both. The phrase originated in the poem, but the minimalist architecture made it famous.
The other day I was watching Coco Before Chanel with a few close friends. As we nibbled on French appetizers, one friend commented that Coco Chanel said "Less is More". Or, she might have put it this way: “Less is always more.”
At my favorite place (the library) reading up on my Coco Chanel history.
To utilize another Coco Chanel quote, she said, “Once you've dressed, and before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take at least one thing off.” For some reason, I had never heard this saying attributed to Chanel, that apparently women have been living for years. Of course, before leaving the house, I have eyed my outfit and wondered, which item is catching the eye a bit too much? If there was one thing to remove, what would it be?
Do You Live by Chanel’s “Less is More” Style Advice?
Does the advice still stand up today, with layering at its height of popularity and chunky jewelry going in and out of fashion. Readers, what do you think?
Yet another Chanel quote, though: “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” So I guess that means we have the permission of one of the greatest fashion of icons of all time to wear whatever we want.
I am sure Coco would approve.
Doing research for this blog is kind of addictive. I'm currently reading various biographies from the Classic Hollywood era. And looking back at the important moments in their lives gets me thinking about my own...
I began with Carole Lombard, a woman who overcame some severe stumbling blocks, including a car accident that visibly scarred her face.